Learn More About MPSI

What distinguishes MPSI?

We are a group of inter­dis­ci­pli­nary schol­ars (fac­ul­ty, post­doc­tor­al fel­lows, grad­u­ates, and under­grad­u­ate stu­dents), research assis­tants and asso­ciates, fis­cal and grant admin­is­tra­tive experts, clin­i­cians, and teach­ing fac­ul­ty who work togeth­er to solve big world prob­lems.  Although we each have inde­pen­dent areas of inter­est, we come togeth­er under one umbrel­la, pre­ven­tion sci­ence, to advance research, and improve outcomes.

Commitment to Science

Every MPSI activ­i­ty con­sists of at least two areas of impact: 

  • Sci­ence
  • Ser­vice
  • Train­ing
  • Pol­i­cy

Our research direct­ly impacts ser­vices that are deliv­ered, train­ing for the future gen­er­a­tions of schol­ars and clin­i­cians, and/or pol­i­cy that impacts human well-being.

Guiding Principles of Prevention Science

Pre­ven­tion Sci­ence is root­ed in a pub­lic health approach to solv­ing world prob­lems.  It is this frame­work that ensures pre­ven­tion is more than just a word. It is a strate­gic approach to improv­ing the human condition.

MPSI Brief History

The Mis­souri Pre­ven­tion Sci­ence Insti­tute was found­ed in 2007 by Uni­ver­si­ty of Mis­souri fac­ul­ty mem­bers, Wendy Reinke and Kei­th Her­man.  Wheels were put into motion by invit­ing inter­est­ed fac­ul­ty and stu­dents from across cam­pus to a meet­ing in August 2007.  Dur­ing the first two months, after a series of dis­cus­sions with those inter­est­ed par­ty mem­bers, a vision and mis­sion state­ment was devel­oped and the MPSI was born.

In 2019 the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mis­souri rec­og­nized MPSI as a cam­pus Cen­ter to sup­port our mis­sion, to grow inter­dis­ci­pli­nary col­lab­o­ra­tion, engage­ment, and high-impact research.

Since fund­ing for endeav­ors such as the MPSI are increas­ing­ly depen­dent upon a clear-cut con­cept struc­ture, the next step was to devise a log­ic mod­el for the Insti­tute.  Dis­cus­sions with the team were expand­ed and a broad­er logis­ti­cal and con­cep­tu­al mod­el for the MPSI was devel­oped.  Our final log­ic mod­el depicts the flow from our vision to our core val­ues and assess­ments that under­lie the core oper­a­tional activ­i­ties of the Institute.

What the future holds is unknown, how­ev­er, as a team, we con­stant­ly strive to uphold the val­ues and mis­sion that our Insti­tute is based upon and con­tin­ue to work to achieve the short- and long-term objec­tives defined in our log­ic mod­el. We look for­ward to con­tin­u­ing our ded­i­ca­tion to a brighter future through our research, the class­es that are offered, and the resources that we provide.

Where does MPSI Stand on Issues?

Long-Term Planning Webinar

Long-Term Planning Webinar

Chap­ter 9 of the book ‘Stress Man­age­ment for Teach­ers’ is dis­cussed in the first video, and…

COVID-19 Update Webinar

COVID-19 Update Webinar

Colleen Eddy recent­ly cre­at­ed a webi­nar for using strate­gies in the teacher stress management…