The MPSI Journey
Missouri Prevention Center (MPC) Established
Missouri Prevention Center (MPC) Established
Founded by Drs. Wendy Reinke and Keith Herman along with students and faculty at Mizzou
Parenting Groups Offered
MPC offers Incredible Years parenting groups to families from Head Start
Prevention Science Practicum Offered
First Large Federal Grant Awarded
First large federal grant (Sub-award on Johns Hopkins University National Institutes of Health [NIH] project, “The Center for Prevention and Early Intervention” [Nick Ialongo, PI)
First Article Published in The Counseling Psychologist
“Using prevention science to promote children’s mental health: The founding of the Missouri Prevention Center,” published in The Counseling Psychologist.
First Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Award
Published Book “Motivational Interviewing for Effective Classroom Management: The Classroom Check-Up”
Drs. Reinke and Herman, with Dr. Randy Sprick, publish Motivational Interviewing for Effective Classroom Management: The Classroom Check-Up
Welcomed First Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr. Katie King joins MPC as first postdoctoral fellow
Prevention Science Seminar Began
Prevention Science Seminar began and has run year-round continuously through the present
Dr. Riley-Tillman Received MPC Faculty Service Award
Dr. Reinke Awarded IES Development Grant
Dr. Reinke awarded IES development grant for $1.5 million, “The Classroom Checkup: Supporting Elementary Teachers in Classroom Management Using a Web-based Coaching System.” R305A130375
Dr. Herman Awarded IES Efficacy Trial Grant
Dr. Herman awarded IES efficacy trial for $3 million, “Evaluation of Classroom Management Training Programs for Middle School Teachers” (known as CHAMPS). R305A130143
Dr. Marten Received MPC Faculty Service Award
Boone County Schools Mental Health Coalition Established
Boone County Schools Mental Health Coalition established with an almost $953,000 award from Boone County Children’s Services. Continuous funding since 2014.
MPC Co-Sponsored 7th Annual ESCP Conference.
MPC co-sponsored Seventh Annual ESCP Conference and hosts four renowned scholars: Drs. Karen Bierman, Carolyn Webster-Stratton, Randy Sprick, and Catherine Bradshaw.
Dr. Karen Bierman Awarded the MPC Senior Scientist and Mentor Award
Dr. Reinke Awarded IES Postdoctoral Fellow Grant
Dr. Reinke awarded an almost $700,000 IES Postdoctoral Fellow grant. R305B150028
Dr. Thompson Awarded IES Efficacy Trial
Dr. Thompson awarded a $2.6 million IES efficacy trial, “Evaluation of a Self Management Training Program for Elementary Students” (known as STARS). R305A150517
Family Access Center of Excellence (FACE) Established
Family Access Center of Excellence (FACE) established with a $4.1 million 2‑year grant from the Boone County Children’s Services. Continuous funding since 2016.
Dr. Brianna Stiller Visited MPC
Dr. Thompson Became Associate Director of MPSI
Dr. Herman Awarded U.S. DOJ/NIJ Grant
Dr. Herman awarded a $4.1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Justice/National Institute of Justice, “Evaluation of a Principal Training Program to Promote Safe and Civil Schools”. 2016-CK-BX-0004
Dr. Reinke Awarded IES Researcher-Practitioner Partnership Grant
Dr. Reinke awarded almost $400,000 for an IES Researcher-Practitioner Partnership grant with Boone County Schools.
MPC Celebrated its 10-Year Anniversary
MPC celebrated its 10-year anniversary with Dr. George Sugai as Keynote Speaker.
FACE Received the Achievement Award and the 100 Brilliant Ideas that Work Award from National Association of Counties
Dr. Herman Awarded IES Grant
Dr. Herman awarded $1.4 million exploratory IES grant “Identifying Discrete and Malleable Indicators of Culturally Responsive Instruction and Discipline.” R305A180111
Dr. Herman Awarded IES Grant
Dr. Herman awarded $3.2 million IES grant “Evaluation of a Training Program to Promote Effective School Leadership.” R305A170180
Methods Branch Established
Methods Branch established with Co-Directors, Drs. Huang and Dong.
Michelle Obama Acknowledged FACE, the Coalition, and Boone County as part of her “When We All Vote” campaign
Dr. Herman Receives Subaward from SRI International
Dr. Herman received $1.6 million sub-award from SRI International for the IES project “A Study of Discipline in the Secondary Classroom” (known as DiSCO).
Dr. Reinke Awarded IES Grant
Dr. Reinke award $10 million from IES to create The National Center for Rural School Mental Health (NCRSMH). This a collaboration between MPSI, the University of Virginia, and the University of Montana. R305C190014
Missouri Prevention Science Institute (MPSI) is Established
With support from campus leadership, the Missouri Prevention Science Institute is established as a MU Center in the Office of Research and Economic Development. Interdisciplinary faculty from the College of Education, the School of Social Work, and other campus academic areas become a part of MPSI.
MPSI Measurement Branch Established
Dr. Bonifay Named Director of Measurement Branch
Dr. Wiedermann Named Co-Director of the Methods Branch
Dr. Peters Named Director of Policy Branch
Article Published in American Psychologist
“The Missouri Prevention Center: A multidisciplinary approach to reducing the societal prevalence and burden of youth mental health problems,” published in the American Psychologist.
Dr. Reinke Awarded IES Grant
Dr. Reinke awarded almost $3.3 million IES grant “Evaluation of a Web-Based Classroom Management Program to Promote Effective Classroom Management Practices Among Early Career Teachers”. 305A200297
Dr. Thompson Awarded IES Grant
Dr. Thompson awarded almost $1.4 million IES grant “Developmental Adaption of a Self-monitoring Training Program for Middle School Students.” (known as SMARTS) R305A200111.
The Boone County School Mental Health Coalition Merged with Family Access Center of Excellence and Received Grant
The Boone County School Mental Health Coalition merged with the Family Access Center of Excellence (FACE). Boone County awarded FACE $3.3 million to continue to support families and students in Boone County.
Dr. Bonifay Awarded IES Methodology Grant
Dr. Bonifay awarded $900,000 IES methodology grant “Innovative, Translational, and User-Friendly Tools for Comprehensive Statistical Model Evaluation”. R305D210032
Dr. Smith Awarded IES Development Grant
Dr. Smith awarded almost $2 million IES development grant “Supporting Teachers in Engaging Parents (STEP): The Development of a Teacher Training Curriculum and Coaching Model to Foster Family Engagement”. R305A210126
MPSI Moved Into New Home
MPSI said goodbye to our longtime home 205 London Hall and moved into a new home at 218 Hill Hall
Dr. Herman receives $2 million US Department of Justice STOP award to assist rural Missouri schools prevent school violence.
Dr. Reinke receives 5‑year $5 million grant.
Awarded from the US Department of Education to train 42 graduate students from School Psychology, Counseling Psychology, and Social Work to provide mental health services in high need schools.