IMI-Related Publications


  1. Frey, A.J., Her­man, K., Pas, E., & Small, J.W. (in press). Opti­miz­ing Imple­men­ta­tion of School-based Pro­gram­ing by Lever­ag­ing Moti­va­tion­al Inter­view­ing. In C. Brad­shaw, J. Owens, & S. Evans (Eds.) School Men­tal Health, Springer.
  2. Kuk­lin­s­ki, M., Small, J.W., Frey, A.J., Bills, K., & For­ness, S.R. (2022). Com­pre­hen­sive Cost Effec­tive­ness of a school- and home-based inter­ven­tions for Ele­men­tary School stu­dents with Dis­rup­tive Behav­ior Dis­or­ders. Jour­nal of Emo­tion­al and Behav­ioral Dis­or­ders.
  3. Frey, A.J., Small, J.W., See­ley, J.R., Walk­er, H.M., Feil, E.G., H.M, Lee, J. Cohen Liss­man, D., Cros­by, S., & For­ness, S.R. (2022). First Step Next and home­Base: A com­par­a­tive effi­ca­cy study of chil­dren with dis­rup­tive behav­ior. Excep­tion­al Chil­dren.
  4. Small, J., Frey, A., Lee, J. See­ley, J.R., Scott, T.M, & Sib­ley, M.H. (2021). Fideli­ty of moti­va­tion­al inter­view­ing in school-based inter­ven­tion and research. Pre­ven­tion Sci­ence, 22, 712–712. doi/10.1007/s11121-020–01167‑7
  5. Frey, A.J, Lee, J., Small, J.W., *Skid­more, B. John­son, L., Sib­ley, M., Owens, J.S., & Brad­shaw, C. (2021). Mech­a­nisms of Moti­va­tion­al Inter­view­ing: A con­cep­tu­al frame­work to guide prac­tice and research. Pre­ven­tion Sci­ence, 22, 689–700.–01139‑x
  6. Her­man, K. Reinke, W., & Frey, A.J. (2021). Moti­va­tion­al Inter­view­ing in Schools: Strate­gies to Engage Par­ents, Teacher, and Stu­dents (2nd edi­tion). New York: Springer Pub­lish­ing Company.
  7. Frey, A.J, Lee, J., Small, J.W., Skid­more, B. John­son, L., Sib­ley, M., Owens, J., & Brad­shaw, C. (2021). Mech­a­nisms of Moti­va­tion­al Inter­view­ing. Pre­ven­tion Sci­ence, 22, 689–700.–01139‑x
  8. Frey, A.J, Small, J.W., Lee, J., Cros­by, S., See­ley, J.R, For­ness, S., & Walk­er, H.M. (2019).  home­Base: Par­tic­i­pa­tion, engage­ment, alliance, and social valid­i­ty of a moti­va­tion­al par­ent­ing inter­ven­tion. Chil­dren & Schools, p. doi: 10.1093/cs/cdz016.
  9. Lee, J., Frey, A.J., Warn­er, Z, Kel­ley, A. (2019). Coach­ing to Improve Moti­va­tion in Ear­ly Child­hood Prac­ti­tion­ers and Par­ents.  In O. N. Sara­cho (Ed.)  Con­tem­po­rary per­spec­tives on research on moti­va­tion in ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion. Char­lotte, North Car­oli­na: Infor­ma­tion Age Publishing.
  10. Iachi­ni, A.L., Lee, J., DiNo­vo, R., Lutz, & Frey, A.J. (2018). Inte­grat­ing Moti­va­tion­al Inter­view­ing into Social Work Edu­ca­tion: A Prac­ti­cal Exam­ple. Jour­nal of Social Work Edu­ca­tion, 54, S103-S112.
  11. Frey, A.J, Lee, J., & Small, J.W, Walk­er, H.M., & See­ley, J.R. (2017). Moti­va­tion­al Inter­view­ing Train­ing and Assess­ment Sys­tem for School-Based Appli­ca­tions.Emo­tion­al & Behav­ioral Dis­or­ders in Youth, 17, 86–92.
  12. Frey, A.J., Small, J.W., Lee, J., Walk­er, H.M., See­ley, J.R., Feil, E.G. & Gol­ly, A. (2015). Expand­ing the range of the First Step to Suc­cess inter­ven­tion: Ter­tiary-lev­el sup­port for teach­ers and fam­i­lies.Ear­ly Child­hood Research Quar­ter­ly30, 1–11.
  13. Small, J.W., Lee, J., Frey, A.J, See­ley, J.R, & Walk­er, H.M. (2014). The devel­op­ment of instru­ments to mea­sure moti­va­tion­al inter­view­ing skill acqui­si­tion for school-based per­son­nel. Advances inSchool Men­tal Health Pro­mo­tion, 7, 240–254.
  14. Lee, J., Frey, A., Reinke, W.M., & Her­man, K.C. (2014). Moti­va­tion­al inter­view­ing as a frame­work to guide school-based coach­ing.Advances in School Men­tal Health Pro­mo­tion, 7, 225–239.
  15. Frey, A.J., Lee, J., Small, J.W., See­ley, J.R., Walk­er, H.M. & Feil, E.G.(2013). The Moti­va­tion­al Inter­view­ing Nav­i­ga­tion Guide: a process for enhanc­ing teach­ers’ moti­va­tion to adopt and imple­ment school-based inter­ven­tions. Advances in School Men­tal Health Pro­mo­tion, 6, 158–173.
  16. Frey, A. J., Lee, J., Small, J.W., See­ley, J.R., Walk­er, H. M., & Feil, E. G. (2013). Trans­port­ing moti­va­tion­al inter­view­ing to school set­tings to improve engage­ment and fideli­ty of Tier 2 inter­ven­tions. Jour­nal of Applied School Psy­chol­o­gy, 29, 183–202.
  17. Frey, A.J., Alverez, M.E., Sabati­no, C.A.(2013). Con­sul­ta­tion to improve treat­ment integri­ty. Chil­dren & Schools, 35, 3–8.
  18. Frey, A.J., Sims, K. & Alverez, M.E. (2013). The promise of Moti­va­tion­al Inter­view­ing for secur­ing a niche in Response to Inter­ven­tion. Chil­dren & Schools, 35, 67–70.
  19. Frey, A.J., Cloud, R.N., Lee, J., Small, J.W. See­ley, J.R., Feil, E., … & Gol­ly, A. (2011). The promise of moti­va­tion­al inter­view­ing in school men­tal healthSchool Men­tal Health, 3, 1–12.