Wolfgang Wiedermann, Ph.D.
MPSI Methodology Branch Co-Director
Home Mizzou Department:
Educational, School & Counseling Psychology
Email: wiedermannw@missouri.edu
Phone: 573–882-7732
13B Hill Hall, Columbia MO

Wolfgang Wiedermann received his Ph.D. in Quantitative Psychology from the University of Klagenfurt, Austria. Dr. Wiedermann’s research interests include the development of methods for causal inference, methods to evaluate the direction of dependence in statistical models, and methods for person-oriented research. Currently, he serves as a lead methodologist for three IES-funded MPSI projects (R305A200297, PI: Reinke; R305C190014, PI: Reinke, and R305A150517, PI: Thompson). He has served as the PI on a grant that focused on the development and implementation of Direction Dependence Analysis (DDA) in the educational sciences, and has served as the methodologist in various funded projects in the educational, health, and psychological sciences. Dr. Wiedermann has (co-)edited 3 volumes on advances in 1) statistical methods for causal inference, 2) statistical modeling of the direction of dependence (both published by Wiley in 2016 and 2020), and 3) statistical methods for dependent data analysis in the social and behavioral sciences (published by Springer, 2015). He has edited 4 special issues on methods for causal inference, methods for categorical data, and methods for person-oriented research (published in Prevention Science and the Journal for Person-Oriented Research). In addition, Dr. Wiedermann has authored/co-authored 49 peer-reviewed papers/book chapters that focus on the theory of statistical methods and 30 peer-reviewed papers/book chapters that focus on the application of statistical methods in experimental and non-experimental data settings. Together with graduate students, he has published 5 software packages in R and SPSS.
- Quantitative Methods