The MPSI Journey

Missouri Prevention Center (MPC) Established

Missouri Prevention Center (MPC) Established

Found­ed by Drs. Wendy Reinke and Kei­th Her­man along with stu­dents and fac­ul­ty at Mizzou

Parenting Groups Offered

MPC offers Incred­i­ble Years par­ent­ing groups to fam­i­lies from Head Start

Prevention Science Practicum Offered

First Large Federal Grant Awarded

First large fed­er­al grant (Sub-award on Johns Hop­kins Uni­ver­si­ty Nation­al Insti­tutes of Health [NIH] project, “The Cen­ter for Pre­ven­tion and Ear­ly Inter­ven­tion” [Nick Ialon­go, PI)

First Article Published in The Counseling Psychologist

“Using pre­ven­tion sci­ence to pro­mote children’s men­tal health: The found­ing of the Mis­souri Pre­ven­tion Cen­ter,” pub­lished in The Coun­sel­ing Psychologist.

First Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Award

Published Book “Motivational Interviewing for Effective Classroom Management: The Classroom Check-Up”

Drs. Reinke and Her­man, with Dr. Randy Sprick, pub­lish Moti­va­tion­al Inter­view­ing for Effec­tive Class­room Man­age­ment: The Class­room Check-Up

Welcomed First Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Katie King joins MPC as first post­doc­tor­al fellow

Prevention Science Seminar Began 

Pre­ven­tion Sci­ence Sem­i­nar began and has run year-round con­tin­u­ous­ly through the present

Dr. Riley-Tillman Received MPC Faculty Service Award 

Dr. Reinke Awarded IES Development Grant

Dr. Reinke award­ed IES devel­op­ment grant for $1.5 mil­lion, “The Class­room Check­up: Sup­port­ing Ele­men­tary Teach­ers in Class­room Man­age­ment Using a Web-based Coach­ing Sys­tem.” R305A130375

Dr. Herman Awarded IES Efficacy Trial Grant

Dr. Her­man award­ed IES effi­ca­cy tri­al for $3 mil­lion, “Eval­u­a­tion of Class­room Man­age­ment Train­ing Pro­grams for Mid­dle School Teach­ers” (known as CHAMPS). R305A130143

Dr. Marten Received MPC Faculty Service Award

Boone County Schools Mental Health Coalition Established

Boone Coun­ty Schools Men­tal Health Coali­tion estab­lished with an almost $953,000 award from Boone Coun­ty Children’s Ser­vices. Con­tin­u­ous fund­ing since 2014.

MPC Co-Sponsored 7th Annual ESCP Conference. 

MPC co-spon­sored Sev­enth Annu­al ESCP Con­fer­ence and hosts four renowned schol­ars: Drs. Karen Bier­man, Car­olyn Web­ster-Strat­ton, Randy Sprick, and Cather­ine Bradshaw.

Dr. Karen Bierman Awarded the MPC Senior Scientist and Mentor Award

Dr. Reinke Awarded IES Postdoctoral Fellow Grant

Dr. Reinke award­ed an almost $700,000 IES Post­doc­tor­al Fel­low grant. R305B150028

Dr. Thompson Awarded IES Efficacy Trial

Dr. Thomp­son award­ed a $2.6 mil­lion IES effi­ca­cy tri­al, “Eval­u­a­tion of a Self Man­age­ment Train­ing Pro­gram for Ele­men­tary Stu­dents” (known as STARS). R305A150517

Family Access Center of Excellence (FACE) Established

Fam­i­ly Access Cen­ter of Excel­lence (FACE) estab­lished with a $4.1 mil­lion 2‑year grant from the Boone Coun­ty Children’s Ser­vices. Con­tin­u­ous fund­ing since 2016.

Dr. Brianna Stiller Visited MPC

Dr. Thompson Became Associate Director of MPSI

Dr. Herman Awarded U.S. DOJ/NIJ Grant

Dr. Her­man award­ed a $4.1 mil­lion grant from the U.S. Depart­ment of Justice/National Insti­tute of Jus­tice, “Eval­u­a­tion of a Prin­ci­pal Train­ing Pro­gram to Pro­mote Safe and Civ­il Schools”.  2016-CK-BX-0004

Dr. Reinke Awarded IES Researcher-Practitioner Partnership Grant

Dr. Reinke award­ed almost $400,000 for an IES Researcher-Prac­ti­tion­er Part­ner­ship grant with Boone Coun­ty Schools.

MPC Celebrated its 10-Year Anniversary

MPC cel­e­brat­ed its 10-year anniver­sary with Dr. George Sug­ai as Keynote Speaker.

FACE Received the Achievement Award and the 100 Brilliant Ideas that Work Award from National Association of Counties

Dr. Herman Awarded IES Grant

Dr. Her­man award­ed $1.4 mil­lion explorato­ry IES grant “Iden­ti­fy­ing Dis­crete and Mal­leable Indi­ca­tors of Cul­tur­al­ly Respon­sive Instruc­tion and Dis­ci­pline.” R305A180111

Dr. Herman Awarded IES Grant 

Dr. Her­man award­ed $3.2 mil­lion IES grant “Eval­u­a­tion of a Train­ing Pro­gram to Pro­mote Effec­tive School Lead­er­ship.” R305A170180

Methods Branch Established

Meth­ods Branch estab­lished with Co-Direc­tors, Drs. Huang and Dong. 

Michelle Obama Acknowledged FACE, the Coalition, and Boone County as part of her “When We All Vote” campaign

Dr. Herman Receives Subaward from SRI International

Dr. Her­man received $1.6 mil­lion sub-award from SRI Inter­na­tion­al for the IES project “A Study of Dis­ci­pline in the Sec­ondary Class­room” (known as DiSCO).

Dr. Reinke Awarded IES Grant

Dr. Reinke award $10 mil­lion from IES to cre­ate The Nation­al Cen­ter for Rur­al School Men­tal Health (NCRSMH). This a col­lab­o­ra­tion between MPSI, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vir­ginia, and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mon­tana. R305C190014

Missouri Prevention Science Institute (MPSI) is Established

With sup­port from cam­pus lead­er­ship, the Mis­souri Pre­ven­tion Sci­ence Insti­tute is estab­lished as a MU Cen­ter in the Office of Research and Eco­nom­ic Devel­op­ment. Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary fac­ul­ty from the Col­lege of Edu­ca­tion, the School of Social Work, and oth­er cam­pus aca­d­e­m­ic areas become a part of MPSI.

MPSI Measurement Branch Established

Dr. Bonifay Named Director of Measurement Branch

Dr. Wiedermann Named Co-Director of the Methods Branch

Dr. Peters Named Director of Policy Branch

Article Published in American Psychologist

“The Mis­souri Pre­ven­tion Cen­ter: A mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary approach to reduc­ing the soci­etal preva­lence and bur­den of youth men­tal health prob­lems,” pub­lished in the Amer­i­can Psychologist.

Dr. Reinke Awarded IES Grant

Dr. Reinke award­ed almost $3.3 mil­lion IES grant “Eval­u­a­tion of a Web-Based Class­room Man­age­ment Pro­gram to Pro­mote Effec­tive Class­room Man­age­ment Prac­tices Among Ear­ly Career Teach­ers”. 305A200297

Dr. Thompson Awarded IES Grant

Dr. Thomp­son award­ed almost $1.4 mil­lion IES grant “Devel­op­men­tal Adap­tion of a Self-mon­i­tor­ing Train­ing Pro­gram for Mid­dle School Stu­dents.” (known as SMARTS) R305A200111.

The Boone County School Mental Health Coalition Merged with Family Access Center of Excellence and Received Grant

The Boone Coun­ty School Men­tal Health Coali­tion merged with the Fam­i­ly Access Cen­ter of Excel­lence (FACE). Boone Coun­ty award­ed FACE $3.3 mil­lion to con­tin­ue to sup­port fam­i­lies and stu­dents in Boone County.

Dr. Bonifay Awarded IES Methodology Grant

Dr. Boni­fay award­ed $900,000 IES method­ol­o­gy grant “Inno­v­a­tive, Trans­la­tion­al, and User-Friend­ly Tools for Com­pre­hen­sive Sta­tis­ti­cal Mod­el Eval­u­a­tion”. R305D210032

Dr. Smith Awarded IES Development Grant

Dr. Smith award­ed almost $2 mil­lion IES devel­op­ment grant “Sup­port­ing Teach­ers in Engag­ing Par­ents (STEP): The Devel­op­ment of a Teacher Train­ing Cur­ricu­lum and Coach­ing Mod­el to Fos­ter Fam­i­ly Engage­ment”. R305A210126

MPSI Moved Into New Home

MPSI said good­bye to our long­time home 205 Lon­don Hall and moved into a new home at 218 Hill Hall

Dr. Melissa Stormont Receives IES Grant

Dr. Melis­sa Stor­mont receives $2 mil­lion IES grant “Devel­op­ing a Com­pre­hen­sive Inter­ven­tion for Chil­dren with Social Behav­ior and Aca­d­e­m­ic Readi­ness Risk in Kinder­garten: The Kinder­garten Check-up.” R305A220322

Drs. Matt Easter and David Aguayo establish the Evaluation Branch of MPSI

Dr. Herman receives US Department of Justice STOP award

Dr. Her­man receives $2 mil­lion US Depart­ment of Jus­tice STOP award to assist rur­al Mis­souri schools pre­vent school violence.

First Dishion and Reynolds Scholarships

Wenxi Yang and Rylee Park received the inau­gur­al Tom Dish­ion Pre­ven­tion Sci­en­tist and Erin Reynolds Com­mu­ni­ty Impact Schol­ar­ships spon­sored by MPSI and the Erin Reynolds family. 

Dr. Reinke receives 5‑year $5 million grant

Award­ed from the US Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion to train 42 grad­u­ate stu­dents from School Psy­chol­o­gy, Coun­sel­ing Psy­chol­o­gy, and Social Work to pro­vide men­tal health ser­vices in high need schools.

Dr. Tyler Smith awarded $600,000 National Science Foundation grant titled

The effects of fam­i­ly engage­ment on STEM learn­ing and moti­va­tion: A sys­tem­at­ic review and meta-analysis.

Dr. Keith Herman receives $2 million US Department of Justice STOP aware to assist urban schools to prevent school violence.

Drs. Melissa Stormont and Andy Frey establish the Early Childhood Branch of MPSI

Dr. Tyler Smith awarded a IES grant

Dr. Tyler Smith award­ed a $2 mil­lion IES grant focused on devel­op­ing a mid­dle school ver­sion of the STEP par­ent engage­ment intervention.

Dr. Keith Herman awarded $4 million

Dr. Kei­th Her­man award­ed a $4 mil­lion to eval­u­ate a vir­tu­al ver­sion of the CHAMPS class­room man­age­ment inter­ven­tion in rur­al mid­dle schools.

Boone County School Mental Health Coalition 10-Year Celebration

10th Anniver­sary cel­e­bra­tion of the Coali­tion at The State His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety of Mis­souri spon­sored by MPSI.

Dr. Keith Herman receives US Department of Justice STOP award

Dr. Kei­th Her­man receives $2 mil­lion US Depart­ment of Jus­tice STOP award to assist Texas bor­der schools in iden­ti­fy­ing, pre­vent­ing, and respond­ing to threats.