Resources For Schools and Teachers

Stress Management for Teachers Webinar
Colleen Eddy recently adapted the program into an online webinar series without the book or in-person training. To begin, watch the 90-minute overview webinar below. The remaining webinars are divided into three parts, Adaptive Thinking, Adaptive Behaviors, and Long-Term Planning. We recommend that you complete one of these parts, in order, every week after completing the overview webinar.

Treatment and Services Adaptation Center
The website introduces the information and cooperation between school, teachers, and mental health professionals for creating a positive and trauma-responsive school environment.

Stop Bullying
Stop Bullying is the official website on accessing policies, laws, training, and strategies on how schools and teachers provide support for bullying prevention.

Leverage Social and Emotional Learning for Return to School Guide
For teachers, school faculties, administrators who might look for strategies on reopening and renewing the school community under the impact of a pandemic, this resource could be applied as guidance.

Institute for Innovation and Implementation
The following source from the University of Maryland, School of Social Work contains information on telehealth under the pandemic, how to maintain a connection through zoom, and COVID 19 resources based on topics.

Ditch the Label
This is a website with toolkits and articles about improving self-image, forming healthy relationships, and cautioning on risk factors that impact the relationships.

Cyberbullying Research Center
Including concepts of bullying, cyberbullying and related information on bullying prevention, the resource provides both youth and adults on searching for help on cyberbullying incidents.

CASEL Guide to Schoolwide Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
The CASEL Guide to schoolwide SEL provides workshops, plan setting, information sessions, and how to improve with data reflection for school teams.

Self Regulation Reference Guide
This PDF outlines Self-Regulation (managing emotions and managing behavior) in the Universal support, Selected Groups support, and Individual supports. This PDF also includes examples of Individual Support applications.

De-escalation model
This PDF breaks down the de-escalation model in order to help us determine the best strategy to address disruptive behavior and reinforce appropriate behavior.

Executive Functioning: Administrators
This PowerPoint covers information about Executive Functioning (defined as, Skills that help us to decide what activities or tasks we will pay attention to and which ones we’ll choose to do). This resource includes universal, targeted, and indivdual supports for students. This resource was created by the Boone County Schools Mental Health Coalition.

Managing Anxiety
These two PowerPoints (linked below) cover information about working with students with anxiety in the classroom in Primary, Elementary, and Secondary schools, how it impacts learning, and tools to prevent anxiety or help to alleviate anxiety in the classroom. This resource was created by the Boone County Schools Mental Health Coalition.

Managing Disruptive Behavior
These two PowerPoints (linked below) explain what Disruptive Behavior looks like in Primary, Elementary, and Secondary schools, how it impacts learning, and tools to prevent disruptive behavior. This resource was created by the Boone County Schools Mental Health Coalition.

Evidence Based Intervention Network
The Evidence Based Intervention Network was developed to provide guidance in the selection and implementation of evidence-based interventions (EBI) in the classroom setting, and to support the use of EBI in schools. Our extensive resource base includes evidence-based intervention briefs, video modeling of EBIs, and information on selecting and using EBI. Each of these resources has been developed in collaboration with faculty and students from a variety of universities.”

Positive Behavior Interventions & Support
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support (PBIS) is funded by Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs. The broad purpose of PBIS is to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of schools and other agencies. Their website includes resources for teachers, resources for remote learning, lists of PBIS for all 3‑tiers, and many other resources.

Intervention Center
This web page has RTI (Response to Intervention) resources. Interventions cover social-emotional tools, academic tools, and parent-teacher communication tools.

Voluntary Action Center Guide Addendum
This document includes a list of Voluntary Action Centers within our community. Each program or center includes information on how to contact them for an appointment or intake, their websites, physical addresses, phone numbers, and the services they provide.

Nation Association of School Psychologist Website
This link contains all the resources listed on the NASP (National Association of School Psychologists) website. Resource topics include Mental Health, Safety/Crisis, Special Education, Diversity, and School Psychology.

Trauma-Informed Strategies for Supporting Return to School During Covid — 19
This is a video focusing on trauma-informed strategies for supporting the return to school during the COVID-19. It gives us an overview of trauma, COVID-19 impact on trauma and different groups, the coping strategies to promotes resilience. Especially, it provides schools, teachers, families, and students with recommendations to help schools running during COVID-19.

Coaching Consulting Page
This is a website sharing the coaching consultation slides. It introduces effective consultation methods and the ways to roll with resistance. The practices between consultants and teachers, parents are also listed as an example.

Classroom Check-Up Feedback Form
This is a classroom check-up feedback form for teachers. It includes 4 big areas like classroom structure, instructional and behavior management, and classroom climate. All areas can be measured by a degree bar ranging from “area of strength” to “needs attention”.

Coaching Classroom Management
Coaching Classroom Management is the perfect companion to CHAMPs, Discipline in the Secondary Classroom, or any research-based approach to managing student behavior. The effective leadership of administrators, instructional coaches, master teachers, mentors, behavior specialists, school psychologists, department chairs, subject area specialists, and literacy coaches can help teachers create calm and productive classrooms.

Motivational Interviewing for Successful Classroom Management
A book about motivational interviewing for effective classroom management. The book focuses on helping K‑12 teachers increase their use of classroom management strategies that work. It also includes 20 reproducible forms, checklists, and templates which teachers can use.

PBIS Tips for eLearning
The comparison chart lists the good actions and wrong actions that teachers and school leaders should and shouldn’t take during the e‑Learning.

CHAMPS-Virtual Classroom Worksheet
This is a worksheet for teachers to check if they prepare well for online teaching, especially the technology.

STOIC Online Classroom Management Overview
This resource provides teachers with five elements to build a positive climate and culture in the classroom and school, in order to enhance academic achievement and prevent dropout rates of students.

STOIC Top 7 Online Strategies
The document contains strategies for online classroom engagements which help teachers preparing and setting up a positive online learning environment.

Common Negative Thoughts and Their Positive Replacement Worksheet
Turn negative thoughts into positive with the help of this downloadable worksheet.

Adaptive Thinking Webinar Series
The three videos from the webinar series serve as online lessons which are not limited to discussion on the book chapters (from introduction to Chapter 6) of ‘Stress Management for Teachers’. They also include explanations of concepts on stress management and strategies for teachers on moderating stress levels. It would be beneficial for an audience to have a copy of the book and materials for note-taking.

Adaptive Behavior Webinar Series
These three videos are continuous discussions about chapters (chapter 7 to Chapter 8) in ‘Stress Management for Teachers’. It includes strategies on stress-reducing with actual examples provided in the first two videos, and top tips on classroom management from Dr. Reinke, the director of Missouri Prevention Center. Again, having a copy of the book and preparing for note-taking would be helpful.

Long-Term Planning Webinar
Chapter 9 of the book ‘Stress Management for Teachers’ is discussed in the first video, and handouts from Chapter 14 on stress management is discussed by Dr. Herman (co-author of the book) in the second video. Strategies with positive psychology, mindfulness and personalized planning for stress management are included in the webinar.

COVID-19 Update Webinar
Colleen Eddy recently created a webinar for using strategies in the teacher stress management program to cope with COVID-19 related stressors that many teachers are experiencing now.

Boone County Social Services Database
With support from the Boone County Children’s Services Fund, several MU Centers and organizations recently partnered to create a free, searchable database of social service providers in Boone County. The database provides access to local social services (including telehealth services) such as childcare, food, housing, job training, and counseling.