Resources For Families Archives

Kids in the House Parenting Resources
This website contains resources from over 450 experts and parents ranging from pregnancy to college. Search videos, blogs, and many other types of resources by age group.

Covid-19 List of Resources
This document lists links of sources for families or professionals (teachers, counselors, etc.) to support children with emotional well-being, health, special needs, and home-schooling. Adults could also look through sources related to self-care on mental health.

Positive Parenting
Positive Parenting is a website providing general positive parenting tips, starting from the stage of infancy (0–1 year) to adolescence (15–17 years). Data, statistics and researches could also be found for supporting the overview provided.
COVID-19 list of resources

Information for Families During School Closures is a partnership run by 150+ volunteers and 80+ organizations pooling resources to provide a unified response to the current crisis and its impact on families. The hotline is staffed by volunteers with expertise in education and social services. There website has many useful resources for Families and Students.

Tips and Techniques for Parents to Support Virtual Learning
Tips and Techniques for Parents to Support Virtual Learning Families finding juggling work and school to be difficult. Here are techniques to help parents support their student’s virtual learning.

The Cooperation Chart
This is a chart for choosing positive behaviors which children could stick on to and receive specific praises/rewards for achieving the goals! A smiling face would refer to achieving goals while a sad face would refer to negative behaviors observed.

Homeschooling Strategies
Here are 8 home-schooling strategies and resources for parents or caregivers to support their children during the pandemic period.

Boone County Social Services Database
With support from the Boone County Children’s Services Fund, several MU Centers and organizations recently partnered to create a free, searchable database of social service providers in Boone County. The database provides access to local social services (including telehealth services) such as childcare, food, housing, job training, and counseling.