Logic Model
MPSI Logic Model
A logic model describes the activities of an organization and links among program mission, activities, outputs, and short‑, intermediate‑, and long-term outcomes related to a specific problem or situation. The Missouri Prevention Science Institute’s logic model was initiated by our Steering Committee and refined by the entire team over the course of the first year. We expect to continue to refine the model over time.
The two-page model can be seen below, click on each for a larger view.
Our logic model is guided by public health, ecological, and multicultural frameworks. Our assumptions are grounded in social-ecological theories of development. We began with the most basic assumption that all children deserve healthy and safe environments and that adults are responsible for providing these environments. Because of our interest in the ecological and public health implications of our work, we also made explicit our assumptions that governments also share responsible for ensuring that all children have access to healthy and safe environments. Moreover, we assumed that depression and aggression pose a major burden for children and society, an assumption supported by extensive public health data. Our other assumptions include beliefs about the value of evidence-based strategies especially when they are connected to community-based participatory research. Next, we defined the four core operational activities of the Institute that arise from our assumptions, values, and vision: research, service, training, and policy. Each of these in turn have specific activities. The Logic Model depicts how these activities are linked to desired short-term outcomes and in turn result in the long-term outcomes of Institute activities.